A manageable six week program

Summer Strong:
Nourish Your Body, Energize Your Workouts

Unlock your inner strength, vitality, and wellness this summer as a busy parent that wants to have more energy and build strength, with the support of a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer!

Registration is open

Which Will Result in:

  • Increased energy
  • Muscle gain and body fat loss
  • Improve fitness and strength
  • Boost confidence
  • Reduce stress
  • Create healthier habits for long term wellness

Who is Summer Strong for?

  • Busy parents looking to improve their nutrition, fitness, and overall wellness. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, the Summer Strong program offers customizable meal plans and workout routines to fit your needs.
  • Busy parents that are tired of not knowing what to cook.
  • Busy parents that do not want to cook multiple meals for each family member.
  • Busy parents that do not know how to stay active during the summer when the routines are out the window.
  • Busy parents that want to exercise but have no idea where to start.
  • Busy parents that need accountability and a supportive community to encourage them when motivation is low or non-existent.

What You will Get:​

  • Biweekly meal plans created by a dietitian featuring tasty, easy-to-make recipes that the entire family will love.
  • 1:1 personal training session to develop a tailored workout routine that works specifically to your needs.
  • Expert nutrition and fitness tips to help you maximize your results.
  • Exclusive access to our online community for support, encouragement, and accountability.
    • Printable tracking sheets
    • Progress trackers
    • Summer Strong Satisfying Snacks
    • Summer Strong Thirst Quenching Drinks
    • Summer Strong Delicious Desserts

What clients are saying about us...​

About us...

Got any more questions? Let's jump on a call.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What is the Summer Strong program? Summer Strong is a comprehensive 6-week program designed to help you nourish your body with healthy, delicious meals and energize your workouts with effective fitness routines. Our goal is to support you in achieving a stronger, healthier you this summer.
  2. Who is this program for? This program is for busy parents looking to improve their nutrition, fitness, and overall wellness. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, the Summer Strong program offers customizable meal plans and workout routines to fit your needs.
  3. What does the program include? The Summer Strong program includes: A comprehensive nutrition plan. Delicious, nutrient-rich recipes. Customized workout routines. Progress trackers. Access to a supportive online community. 1:1 personal training session with expert a certified personal trainer.
  4. How do I access the program materials? Once you enroll, you will receive an email with a link to access the Summer Strong Guide, which includes all your program materials such as meal plans, recipes, and trackers. You will also receive instructions on how to join our private Facebook group.
  5. What equipment do I need for the workouts? Our workout routines are designed to be flexible and can be done with minimal equipment. Basic items like dumbbells, a yoga mat, and resistance bands are recommended, but we also provide bodyweight alternatives if you don’t have access to these tools.
  6. Can I modify the meal plans if I have dietary restrictions? Yes! Our nutrition plans are designed to be flexible. If you have specific dietary needs or preferences, please reach out to us, and we’ll help you adjust the meal plans accordingly.
  7. How does the 1:1 personal training session work? After enrolling, you will receive an email from Maria, your personal trainer, to schedule your 1:1 session. During this session, Maria will work with you to create a customized workout plan that fits your fitness level and goals.
  8. What if I can’t follow the program exactly as planned? We understand that life can be unpredictable. The Summer Strong program is designed to be flexible. If you need to make adjustments to fit your schedule or lifestyle, feel free to do so. The key is consistency and making steady progress.
  9. How do I join the private Facebook group? After enrolling, you will receive an invitation to join our private Facebook group. This community is a great place to stay motivated, share your progress, ask questions, and connect with fellow participants.
  10. What if I’m not satisfied with the program? We are committed to your satisfaction. If you’re not completely happy with the Summer Strong program, please contact us within the first 14 days of the program, and we’ll discuss your options.
  11. How can I track my progress? The Summer Strong Guide includes printable progress trackers to help you monitor your nutrition, workouts, and overall progress throughout the program. Regular tracking can help you stay motivated and see how far you’ve come.
  12. When does the program start? The program officially launches on Monday, June 3rd, 2024.

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